Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have made commitment to try and add information regularly and post new pictures. I have thought a lot about what to write this week and I could not think of anything to add that to other people might find interesting or worth reading. Oh, yeah, I have tons of little pieces of information about Miles' day to day activities that to me and Cellou are just fabulous, diverting, and hillarious. I think l lots of parents feel this way, that their child is so entertaining and funny and that stories about them will thrill and entertain everybody. So I am trying not to fall into that. With that said, I will, on occasion have to post a funny story or incident about Miles, even if it is only to entertain and humor myself !! :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hey Guys!!

Welcome to my blogg - its so 2000, dont you think? Well, me and mommy are working on this so that everyone can keep abreast of my life. Sometimes I will be sharing my expirences, other times mommy will write a messages. Maybe daddy will write some or show us how to post pictures. There are new changes coming for us. Daddy has a new job and is working full time so I am staying with Rosamaria when mommy goes to work on tuesday. There are two other children there, both only 17 months old - its great I can totally work them and they know who is boss! We are going to San Diego in March and daddy is going to France while me and mommy stay with G.G. Mommy said there will be an easter bunny there - a rabbit that lays eggs and gives you candy? That's cool, I am down for the candy part. Okay, gotta go, friends are waiting for me at the park!!