Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hi Everyone,

As I had suspected I have not updated this in a long time. But I have now found how to update the blog so I am writing an update. Miles is doing great. He is very friendly, loves to play with other children and starts conversations with people where ever we go. He is obsessed with asking people what their names are and telling them how old he is. He has had two modeling jobs recently. One was for Mervyn's and another one was for Leap Frog. The job for Leap From will place him on the box for a toy that will come out near Christmas so look for him at your local toy store!! He is also starting preschool in the end of August, which he also tells everyone who will listen.

Me, well I am looking forward to working with Miles at his preschool because it is a co-op. I am also working on restarting my private practice. I am excited to start work again but sad about not spending as much time with Miles. Papi is doing well and is enjoying the challenges of his new job. Well, that's all for now - hope everyone is well and happy!
